Advertising sales are always hard earned, and as we slide into the winter months and businesses start to buckle in and restrict spending, sales will get even tougher.

Now is the time to start implementing key sales practises that will ensure high orders year round.

Show return on their investment. If able its super important to be able to show how many people will hear their ad, how many times? Also crucial to do a business analysis with your client, once you know who they want to hear their advertising you know will know what times to reach this person, days, shows etc

Think beyond discounts. It’s a slippery slope to start offering discounts, your client will never be happy to pay full rates again once they’ve had a great deal, the better option is to offer incentives like bonus spots or free advertising on your website. Sweeten the deal with small perks that don’t cost you too much time or money while maintaining your rate-card.

Everybody likes gifts. Consider getting flyers or stickers made up to give to your clients saying ‘As heard on yourstationFM’. The client can then display them on their product or in their premises adding credibility to their business, creating loyalty and giving you a little free promotion.

Show them around. Clients just love to see behind the scenes and feel they are part of the process. Bring them in for a visit of the station to show them where all the exciting work is done. You aren’t just selling airtime after all; you are selling your brand, making clients feel a part of the family is integral to creating a lasting business relationship.

Make them feel special. Consider running a long standing promotion like selecting an ‘advertiser of the month.’ There’s nothing like winning an award or receiving prizes to make a client feel favourable to your station. Prizes could be anything from free airtime to a bottle of wine.

Spread the good word. Treating your existing clients well is the number one way to book more advertising. If they feel they have been looked after they won’t hesitate to tell other companies about your service. Cold calling just doesn’t work as well anymore – You are vastly more likely to get a booking if the customer has already heard good feedback about you from someone they trust.

Radio advertising is one of the best ways to spread your customers message, but you’re up against some fairly stiff competition. Look after your clients as you would like to be looked after yourself and that order book will be full for many months to come.


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